I have an assignment due Thursday and I have a huge problem with it! See, I did an investigation a while back. To determine the ethanoic acid concentration, I did a titration on different vinegars. I used a pH sensor meaning I have titration curves. The problem is, am I supposed to use the volume of NaOH needed to make the ethanoic acid reach pH7 or am I supposed to use the equivalence point to determine the ethanoic acid concentration of the vinegar? If I'm supposed to use the equivalence point, how can I find the equivalence point on a titration curve? Or am I supposed to use the fact that phenolphthalein's end point is pH 8.3 for determining the ethanoic acid concentration?
We havent learnt Kp values yet so I am not supposed to use them. So is there a way I could find the equivalence point, preferably without using calculus?
I've got titration curves with clear points, I'm pretty sure they're still save on the computer at school, too. Also, I have pH values for each 1mL of NaOH added to the different vinegars.
Help please!
Thank you! ^_^