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Topic: Reactions involved in the copper cycle  (Read 10401 times)

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Offline Kate

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Reactions involved in the copper cycle
« on: November 29, 2007, 01:05:26 PM »
Hi. :) I did this experiment (copper cycle) a few days ago and now I have to answer some questions. Here they are:

1. For each step of the cycle, write down the reactions involving copper and classify them (redox, acid-base, precipitation)
2. Besides the reactions involving copper, write down all the reactions that can occur in each step.

Here are my answers:

1. Cu + 4HNO3  Cu (NO3)2 + 2H2O + 2NO2
Type of reaction: redox

Cu(NO3)2 + 2NaOH  Cu(OH)2 + 2NaNO3
Type of reaction: precipitation

Cu(OH)2 + calor  CuO + H2O
Type of reaction: precipitation

CuO + H2SO4  CuSO4  + H2O
Type of reaction: acid-base

CuSO4 + Zn  Cu + ZnSO4
Type of reaction: redox

2. When adding HCl to zinc: 2HCl + Zn  H2 + ZnCl2
(this the only reaction not involving copper I can think of)

Is this right ? Thanks.

Offline Kate

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Re: Reactions involved in the copper cycle
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2007, 01:08:53 PM »
Anybody ?

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