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Topic: estimate indeterminate error  (Read 3898 times)

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Offline obog365

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estimate indeterminate error
« on: December 07, 2007, 04:50:52 PM »
On day 1 my class did an experiment to determine concentration of a solution, on day 2 we did a repeat experiment to determine the concentration of the same solution. So now there is data on the concentration from Day 1 experiment and day 2 experiment. The data for the entire class is collected and a plot of the day 2 concentration vs. day 1 concentration is made (a data point for the plot would be (day 1 concentration, day 2 concentration) and each data point would be from one student). A line is fitted to this plot and my professor says that the standard deviation of the residuals is an estimate for the  indeterminate error in the experiment. I don't understand how this could be true. What is his reasoning? thanks.

Offline ARGOS++

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Re: estimate indeterminate error
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2007, 11:57:59 AM »

Dear Obog365;

It can be used as an Estimator, - But it depends How you define “Indeterminate Error of ….”.

But it seems to be not a very well defined Estimator, as several Assumptions/Hypothesis are prior made.
And assumptions/hypothesis requires a “statistical” Test, including consequences!, before their future use.

Only a very few assumptions/hypothesis which needs a Test:
  • Is the size of the “basic” population (# of Students; # of Experiments) large enough to take it as an Estimator for what you prefer?
  • Are both daily means really independent, - or must the total mean be used instead? (t-Test).
  • How much “systematic” Error(s) is incorporated in the difference of both daily means anyway?
    (Better trained Students at the second day; really identical samples/reagents; etc., etc.)
  • Are both daily “Standard Deviations” really measure the same? (F-Tests).
  • And so on.

I hope I have you not more confused as you was before!
And! – Also Estimators and their Results need a “Validation”!

Good Luck!

P.S.:  NO!  -  I'm not a real Statistician!

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