this is how i do it
alkanes are normally C
2n+2so that makes (13 x 2) + 2 = 28 supposed hydrogens for an alkane
your molecule only has 19 so ---> 28 - 19 = 9 hydrogens less
we know a double bond reduces an alkane by 2 electrons -- alkenes are C
2nand we know that a ring constitutes (is like) a double bond in this manner
so you possibly have 4 double bonds, or four rings
(not including triple bonds and others) just making the explanation as simple as possible
in short all I do is get the max possible Hs by (13 x 2) + 2 = 28
deduct that by what the molecule has 28 - 19 = 9
divide it by two -- 9/2 = 4.5
that gives you 4 possible double bonds
if there are other methods, i'm all ears too