Which of the following below is true?
1 - The major product of the nitration of nitrobenzene is p-dinitrobenzene.
2 - The product of the nitration of m-dinitrobenzene is 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene.
3 - Both 1 and 2.
4 - Neither 1 nor 2
I think option 4 is correct because nitration of nitro benzene gives m-dinitro benzene and nitration of m-dinitro benzene is not a good reaction for production of 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene because m-dinitrobenzene contains two strongly electron withdrawing groups so the electron density on the benzene ring is very less to react. Best method for preparing sym trinitro benzene is prolonged heating of benzene with fuming nitric acid and nitrating mixture.
What do you all think?