To tell you the truth even after that test was said and done I don't understand 13C NMR very well at all. I have a better idea of what chemical equivalence is and how it works, but my teacher didn't go over carbon NMR too much. It's kind of a bummer too because my book says it's easier than Proton NMR, but I think thats way, way easier to interpret than former.
As for DU I think it saved my ass on the test. Being able to figure out DU and then propose a proper molecular structure based on a few fragments of data made the test much easier. Several problems we had contained IR, H NMR, and 13C NMR.
DU = [(2x + 2) - y)]/2 where x = # C and y = # H.
DU = 0 -> Alkane chain
DU = 1 -> One double bond or ring structure
DU = 2 -> Two double bonds, one triple bond, or two ring structures, double bond in ring structure...
DU = 3 -> Two triple bonds?
DU = 4 -> Benzene