If you're doing a fractional distillation, there are a number of options to enhance plates, like you've mentioned, to insure better fractionation. Thirty samples is a lot, so that would be useful.
If you're doing a vacuum distillation, you want to remove air from the interior, so the reduction in pressure allows you to distill at lower temperatures. The system is not under vacuum anywhere unless it is under vacuum everywhere, from boiling flask to column to condenser to receiving vessel, for the duration of the distillation.
If you want 3 or 4 or 5 vacuum fractional distilled fractions (say that 5 times fast) you'll want the receiving flask to be a pig or a cow -- an attachment that allows you to rotate a different flask underneath the condenser with each fraction without breaking vacuum.
I don't believe there exists technology to collect 30 separate fractions without breaking vacuum, is what I was getting at in my first response.
You have 30 fractions to distill? Think about it, what are their boiling points? If you evacuate, you may lower their boiling points so much, they may not fractionate, even with the spinning band column.