Now the whole darn town sure opened up its eyes
The night they held the Streaker's Ball,
There was every shape and every size
At the Streaker's Ball
As the first girl came running in a lovely bit of stuff,
Well, Charlie had a stroke, and so did Mr. Duff.
I wanted one as well, but I wasn't quick enough,
At the Streaker's Ball
They had a streaker's wedding, at least that's what I'm told
At the Streaker's Ball,
And the bridegroom couldn't find a place to put his button hole
At the Streaker's Ball
A bridesmaid was heard to mutter, "Oh, what utter bliss,
A slap-up streaker's wedding is a thing I'd never miss.
And you can always tell who the best man is,"
At the Streaker's Ball...