I have to identify all the solutions. No chemicals are given, and all the solutions are 0.1 M.
I know the following:
The solutions are split into three groups. I know which solutions the groups consists of, but I don't know which one is which.
I: 1,2,3
a AgNO3
b BaCl2
c KI
II: 4,5,6,7
d CaCl2
e NaOH
f Na2SO4
g PbNO3
III: 8,9,10,11,12
h HNO3
i KNO3
j Na3PO4
k (NH4)2SO4
l Mg(NO3)2
Ok, so this is my suggestion. I would like you to correct it - and possibly find some easier solutions (no pun intended :-))
The table should be read like this:
Mixed together; outcome; solution, [outcome, solution etc.]
1+2 2+3 3+1: most yellow: c, no precipitate, b+c, last one: a
a+4,5,6,7: no precipitate: g
b+d,e,f: precipitate: f
f+d,e: no precipitate: e
last one: d
III: e+8,9,10,11,12: precipitate: l, smell of ammonia: k
a+h,i,j: precipitate: j
e+k+h,i: most ammonia smelling: i
the other one: h
What do you think?