Hello there,
I am not sure if my educated guesses for the following two questions are correct, and would appreciate help or confirmation.
1. Distinguish between equivalence point and the endpoint in a titration. Why might they be different? How would this affect the result of a titration?
My guess is that to perceive the equivalence point, the endpoint would need to exceed slightly the equivalence point to see the indicator change colour. This would cause the titration to have a higher concentration of base.
2. It is proper to put the two solutions for a titration in clean, dry beakers. You do not need to dry the Erlenmeyer flask to which you add the solutions, however, if it has been thoroughly rinsed with distilled water. Explain this procedural difference.
I am thinking that since the indicator for the titration is added to the flask, then as long as there are hydronium and hydroxide ions in the flask, titration can take place as normal.