Personally, I loved P-Cem. Could not get enough of it. It worked in nicely with my desire to get more inorganic and quantum.
I completely back-up chrissbb. I began my college career in chemistry taking frctions and decimals...worked my way up to PD-EQ. The more math I took the easier it got-(always thankful to Dr. Patricelli who told me if I ever wanted to amount to anything in Chemistry, specifically in Physical Chemistry, I should take a math class per semester-"Consider it like taking a vitamin pill"). The core only required Calculus II. The students who did well in P-Chem went on to complete Calculus III.
And Chem is so important to have a very strong foundation in Chem I...I can step up to the plate and tell you my lowest grade in my chemistry program was Chem I....I am sort of a perfectionist-wanted to take it over again....My Professors advised against it...told me MOVE ON....I did...My grades soared....And then, eventually, I taught Chem I for a number of years...and I can tell you no matter how many times I teach it...I see something I did not see a differnt perspective...and that would be true of my friends who teach it as well!!!!
There is an old expression: "You never really know your subject matter until you can teach it."
You need to have the right tools (math, math, more math, basic chemistry, basic physics....then you can make it)..BUT You also have to LIKE what you are doing...if you do not LIKE what you are will never gel.
I believe that it is a great thing that there are so many choices people many areas in Chemistry they can choose to contribute to....many cross-over areas have curriculm inclusive of P-Chem courses that have been specially designed for those disciplines.
I do not think that this section of the forum is neglected...and I have seen some awesome responses to alot of questions up here...esp. Thermodynamics....(not my personal favorite-I prefer Quantum)....If you peruse the General Chemistry forum you can see there are many questions regarding Thermo, Kinetics, some Baby Quantum...maybe not as advanced as what this forum was intended to address...but asked and answered none-the-less. That is a start....perhaps those same people will ask their more advanced questions in this forum....they have not gotten to that level yet....
So in conclusion: "HONK IF YOU PASSED P-CHEM"