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Topic: quantum problem (variational method)  (Read 3357 times)

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quantum problem (variational method)
« on: April 21, 2008, 02:12:54 AM »
Any help appreciated.

a particle in a 1-dimensional box, and variational method is required.
trial wavefunction is Φ(x) =Ax(L-x)+B(x^2)*(L-x)^2
L is the length and = 52.9pm (bohr radius);
m=me =9.11*10^(-31) kg

when I plug in numbers into equations
E_= αB + β^2/(αBA)
E+= αA - β^2/(αBA)

I got numbers like 1.07*10^(-111) for E_ and 2.99*10^(-70) for E+, and compare to E= n^2*Pi^2/2 they are way off. I just cant figure out where I did wrong. Units do not make any sense when I try to solve αB and αA and β: 
αB = h(reduced) ^2* L^7/105m
αA = h(reduced) ^2* L^3/6m
β = h(reduced) ^2* L^5/30m

Shouldn't they all be in the unit of energy?
but these are not ...

and after obtaining wavefunction and probablity, why are probablities different here while they are equal for a regular particle-in-a-box?

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