To clarify: the categories that the Nature Protocols team is working with are:
Biochemistry and Protein analysis
Cell and Developmental biology
Cell and tissue culture
Chemical modificationComputational and theoretical biology
Genetic analysis
Genetic modification
ImagingImmunological techniques
Isolation, purification and separationMicrobiology and Virology
Model organisms
Nucleic Acid based Molecular Biology
Pharmacology and toxicologyPlant biology
Spectroscopy and structural analysisSynthetic chemistryIt is frustrating that it has taken so long for these to be changed on our site as we actually have many protocols that are "non-biological", and it is less easy to find them as they are inappropriately categorised! We have been assured though that these changes will be happening very soon!
The bottom line is that you are enthusiastic about a chemistry protocol idea it would be worth running it by us - perhaps if it is an area that is new to us, we could commission some other experts in the field so that it is not lonely.