What charts?
You can only determine the orders of reactants via experiments.
Lets say u want to find out the orders of reactants of 2A + B ---> C with a catalyst D
You set up experiments by varying the concentrations of A, B and D and calculate the initial rates.
[A] [ B] [D] Intial rate
1 1 2 1.00 x10^-5 ---- (1)
1 2 2 2.00 x 10^-5 ---- (2)
2 2 2 2.00 x 10^-5 ---- (3)
2 2 1 0.50 x 10^-5 ---- (4)
By comparing data (1) and (2), you notice when [ B] increased by 2 times, initial rate also increased by 2 times. Therefore [ B] has an order of 1.
If you were to compare (2) to (3), when [A] is increased by 2 times, intial rate stays the same. Thereby [A] has an order of 0 despite its stoichiometric coefficient is 2 in the reaction.
Comparing (3) and (4), you notice when [D] is decreased by 2 times, intial rate decrease by 4 times. Therefore, [D] has an order of 2.
Hence, overall rate law is r = k[ B][D]^2
Hence, you see that the stoichiometric coefficients can't tell you the orders of reactants, its only possible through experimental datas.