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Topic: My Organic Chemistry Answers  (Read 4103 times)

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Offline sanchenuss

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My Organic Chemistry Answers
« on: April 29, 2008, 12:06:54 AM »
I have some more questions that I answered and would appreciate confirmation on.

#1 Function of bile is to provide
a) proteases b) the base to neuralize acidic chyme c) the emulsifying agent to aid in digestion of lipids d) the lipase to aid in digestion of lipds.(I chose C)

#2 in human blood, oxygen molecules are largely attatched to
a) enzyme b) myoglobin c) hemoglobin d) globulins (I chose A)

#3 one cause of metabolic acidosis is
a)loss of HCO3 in diarrhea b) involuntary hyperventiliation c) hpoventilation has become chronic d)overproduction of urine in kidneys ( I came up with D)


Offline sanchenuss

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Re: My Organic Chemistry Answers
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2008, 02:35:16 AM »
#1 which of these statements is true
a) because enzymes are proteins, they are stable over a wide range of temperatures
b) b.c enzymes work best only over a narrow range of PH they do not accept organic anions as substrates
c) bc enzymes have -SH groups, they are denatured by K+ ions
d) some enzymes have cofactors that are made from certain vitamins

(I put d)

#2 The organic compound needed in some cases to complete an enzyme is called
a) an isoenzymeb
b) a coenzyme
c) an apoenzyme
d) a regulator enzyme

( I put b)

#3 Oxygen is transported in blood mainly as
a) free oxygen
b) oxyhemoglobin ions
c) carbaminohemoglobin
d) methemoglobin ions

(B is my answer)

4 The site on an enzyme molecule that does the intended work of the enzyme is called the
a) binding site
b) allosteric site
c) lock
d) catalytic site

(d is what I got)

#5 Which statement about enzymes is true?
a) enzymes shift equilibrium in favor of formation of desired products
b) enzymes are unaffected by ordinary denaturing agents
c) enzymes accelerate both the forward and reverse reactions of equilibria
d) enzymes are often neurotransmiters

(a is my answer here)

#6 Which pair of substances can be made by the body?
a) vitamins and hormones
b) hormones and apoenzymes
c) coenzymes and essential amino acids
d) all of these substances

(I chose C for 6)

#7 function of bile is to provide
a) the emulsifying agent to aid the digestion of lipids
b) the lipase to aid in digestion of lipids

(7 was confusing, I put B)

8 In human blood oxygen molecules are largely attatched to
a) an enzyme
b) myoglobin
c) hemoglobin
d) globulins

my last answer I put C. Feedback is appreciated.

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Re: My Organic Chemistry Answers
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2008, 04:26:53 AM »
can someone please help  me out  :-[

Offline Arkcon

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Re: My Organic Chemistry Answers
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2008, 05:28:43 AM »
Most of your questions are simple definitions.  There's no "hint" or "help" we can give you, to help you learn, to see where you need more help, to help you figure it out for yourself, etc. -- the way this board is supposed to work.  You've either read this in your text, online, or even a standard dictionary, and remembered it, or you haven't.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2008, 05:42:12 AM by Arkcon »
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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Re: My Organic Chemistry Answers
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2008, 06:00:18 AM »
Some of your answers seem contradictory, so some are bound to be incorrect. Compare Part 1, question 1 and Part 2, question 7, or Part 1, question 2, and Part 2, questions 3 and 8.

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