I would like to draw to your attention ChemTube3D
http://www.chemtube3d.com This is a web based educational resource which is under active development.
It was developed using Jmol to depict interactive 3D animations for some of the most important organic reactions covered during an undergraduate degree with supporting information on reactivity and spectroscopy. Each intermediate and each mechanistic step is presented in turn, for careful consideration in 3D, providing additional insight.
It is intended to supplement existing textbooks and lectures and I use it regularly projected. Direct links to particular reactions can be added to VLEs or students can browse for themselves.
This is part of an an ongoing Development project supported by the
Higher Education Academy Physical Sciences centre.
If you have any suggestions for additional content that would assist our teaching, please let me know. Jmol is a remarkable free tool for displaying chemical information and works with a wide range of formats