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Topic: electrochem  (Read 5824 times)

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« on: June 29, 2008, 12:15:53 PM »
Suppose this hypothetical situation, A(3+) => (-1.00 V) A(2+) => (-0.1 V) A(+)
From A(3+) => A(+), consequently, it is -0.55V.

If the anode reaction is +0.70 V, can it push A(3+) to A(+)?

On one side, you can say that the (A(3+) to A(+)) reaction is -0.55 V, and thus, the overall reaction is +0.15 V.

However, if you look at A(3+) to A(2+), which is the first step, the reaction is nonspontaneous because -1.00+0.70=-0.30 V.

So, the question is can A(3+) go to A(+)?

Thanks a lot

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