hello. i need some help with my chemistry. can you please help me?
i am asked to identify which unknown compound was used for an experiment by using mass relationships. all the compounds are salts. i have succeeded in knowing that the substance is a hydrogen carbonate. i am now choosing between NaHCO
3 and KHCO
3. the problem is this:
Write the chemical equation for the overall reaction that would occur when the original compound
was converted to a chloride. If the compound is a hydrogen carbonate, use the sum of Equations
1 and 2. If the sample is a carbonate, use Equation 2. Write the equation for a sodium salt and
then for a potassium salt.
Equation 1 is ( for hydrogen carbonate, eg. NaHCO
3(s) )
3(s) --> Na
3(s) + H
(g) + CO
2Equation 2 is ( for carbonate, eg. Na
3(s) + 2H
(aq) + 2 Cl
(aq) --> 2 NaCl
(s) + H
2(l)O + CO
2(g)I do not know how to use the sum of equations 1 and 2 so i can write a chemical equation. please help. thanks a lot!

i'm thinking that i should combine all the equations, but i just don't know where to start. i tried having the left side of equation 1 be added with hydrogen and chlorine that will result to NaCl, Na
3(s), water, and carbon dioxide. is this correct?