I know it's possible to transfer schools as a chem grad student, but I need some insight as to whether I would be making the wrong decision.
First, some info: I am a first-year, at a top-ten school. I am not attached to any research group yet, but I should be in the coming weeks if I decide to stay.
When I was accepted here, my decision immediately became to come to this school or the one back in my hometown of Cincinnati. Obviously, there's a lot of disparity there in the whole rankings system, but there were other factors that I was considering. I was about 50/50 for a long time, but eventually picked the good school. Problem is, I hate being away and the thought of being wrapped up here for five+ years is really weighing on me. It's a little deeper than that, but come on.
So, now I'm thinking about going back home, to UC or possibly my alma mater Ohio State, and I want to know basically whether this is career suicide. Obviously, there are still tons of opportunities for anybody with a Ph.D., but what about to continue on? Can a UC grad under any circumstances still compete for top post-doc positions?
There are a lot of dimensions on the issue, and I can understand a lot of arguments either way. Let me know what you think.