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Topic: please help me with pressured drop questions  (Read 3741 times)

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Offline Bashir2008

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please help me with pressured drop questions
« on: August 13, 2008, 11:59:03 AM »
  will explain to u what I am going to do exactly
1) I have to built a filter pilot plant for water treatment ( its my research )
For this filter, i have decided that to built the filter with three sections two PVC columns sections and one in the middle is Perspex column ( clear acrylic ) 300mm in outside diameter and 1m length.. but we prefere the thickness would be around 8mm 
2)  i can tell u that: i need to pump water from the bottom section of the filter which will be a PVC section,, and the flow rate will be around 180 L/H.to 300 L/H.. and the velocity will be around 5m/h and 10m/h..and i will put some materilas ( polymer beads ) inside the filter that will treat the water. i will pump air as well from the bottom to wash the materials once it is dirty..
By the way: my flow will be upflow
My qusestions are
1- What is the downflow wash water for floating media filter ? and what is upward wash air for floating media filter ? Is there any range ? in oder words : what is the typical backwash rate for upflow floating media filter ?
2-  Could i calculate the amount of water and air the i need it for backwashing the media ? Could u help me with it ?
3- How can i calculate the pressure loss through the media  before running any experiments ?
4-What about the required pressure of the system ?
I really have no feeling about these questions.. so could u help me with them ?
Best regards

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Re: please help me with pressured drop questions
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2008, 10:58:27 AM »
Hello Bashir2008,

You are asking some good, and very difficult questions.

All of these answers can be summarized as 'what would you like it to be'?

As an example, for the answer to your second question, it greatly depends on factors such as: 1) the amount of material that is to be backwashed, 2) the amount of absorbed and adsorbed material on the media, 3) the purity of the backwashing fluid, 4) the velocity of the fluid (turbulend or laminar flow), 5) the viscosity of the fluid, 6) the temperature of the fluid, 7) the final cleanliness of the final filter required and more.

To start, you may want to build a small laboratory size model and determine your answers based on the data you acquire.

Here is some information on porosity which may get you started in the right direction: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Porosity

I wish you the best on your research.


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