Okay I have been trying to figure out how to do these calculations for a couple of day and am still having a hard time figuring them out. In the Lab I titrated 18.3ml 0.25 M HCl with KOH in a control sample without oil then 2 with oil getting 10.3ml of 0.25 M HCl in butter and 10.6ml of 0.25 M HCl in olive oil. To calculate the moles of OH in the flask I used this equation 0.0183Liters x 0.25mol/ 1liter and got 0.00458mols in the control, 0.00258mols OH for butter and 0.0027mols OH for Olive oil. Then to calculate the mols of OH consumed in the Saponification reaction I subtracted the moles of OH calculated in the flask from the moles of OH calculated in the control flask (0.00458-0.00258)=0.00201 mols for the butter and 0.00193 mols for the olive oil. After all of this the problem I am having is calculating the mols of triacylglycerol molecules from each sample the lab manual says to use stoichiometry to determine this but I have no idea what equation to use. If anyone has any ideas I am willing to try them.