Does anyone know of a way to test for triphenylphosphine?
I had a rather unpleasant incident just the other day with a product ordered from the netherlands, containing 3,4-methylenedioxymethcathinone "methylone" for short, to cut a long story short, I was poisoned by it, quite badly.
There was a related product, containing methylone also sold, which for reasons unknown was made illegal (in the netherlands) just recently, at the time, I was unaware that that was the case, and for what reason, as I am still unaware of the latter, however, somebody ended up testing the first product, and it is likely that it contained dangerous quantities of triphenylphosphine, which is a nasty corrosive poison, which fits in neatly with the symptoms of poisoning, namely severe haemoptysis, if TPP was present in the first product, then it might possibly also be present in the one that poisoned me.
Does anyone know how I could test a given sample, by chemical means for triphenylphosphine? because I am thinking of testing a vial of the current product for it, as people need to know if this shyte is floating around on the net, before more people are poisoned by it.