I did an experiment with an Oswaldt viscometer where the flow rate of a polimer solution is measured.
I was wondering whether the amount of liquid that I used for each experiment would make a big difference on the results. My gutt feeling would be that the viscosity is not dependent on the volume, for example, a drop of syrup is still as "sticky" as a jar full of syrup. However the concentration must remain the same.
The following equation confused me:
V/t = ((pi2 - (pu2) *pi*r4)/(16 * l *p0* n)
where pi is the greek letter, and n is the greek eta.
V volume of liquid in the tube.
t time
pi inlet pressure
pu outlet pressure
p0 measured pressure
r radius of tube
l length of tube
n viscosity coeffiecient
From the above equation it seems as if the viscosity coefficient is dependent on the volume.