1. the closed system maintained the column chromatography efficiency by preventing the formation of column bubbles. The system was efficient in reducing solvent evaporation as well as preventing water condensation at the column outlet. Since free solvent vapors were eliminated, the system provided an additional safety factor when a flammable solvent, was employed.While the columns were used for solvent cleanup, a small modification would transform the system into a solute purification apparatus.
2. it gives relatively high peak capacity, so less sample is required. also, no evaporation or dilution is necessary.
and sometimes in chromatography two substances will have the same Rf value and travel the same distance in a particular solvent, but only one spot will be seen although two substances are present.
3. by using the polarity property of the mixture, we can choose a development solvent which will allow us to separate the substance based on their rate of travel up the chormatographic plate. Depending on the polarity of the substance present, they will travel at different rates in the presence of different polarity solvent systems.
4.Reversed phase has a non-polar stationary phase and an aqueous, moderately polar mobile phase. In reversed phase retention time is longer for molecules which are more non-polar, while polar molecules elute more readily. An investigator can also increase retention time by adding a polar solvent to the mobile phase, or decrease retention time by adding a more hydrophobic solvent
Normal phase chromatography separates analytes based on polarity. The polar analyte associates with and is retained by the polar stationary phase. Adsorption strengths increase with increased analyte polarity, and the interaction between the polar analyte and the polar stationary phase (relative to the mobile phase) increases the elution time. The interaction strength depends not only on the functional groups in the analyte molecule, but also on steric factors.
5. I am not sure with the last one, but i think the higher concentration of the ethyl acetate will yield higher Rf values.