In the octahedral point group the sulfur's 3s orbital possesses A1g symmetry and the three 3p orbitals (x, y and z) is a degenerate set of T1u symmetry.
The ligand group orbitals (LGO) constructed from 2pz orbitals of fluorines have A1g, Eg and T1u symmetries. So, there are six ligand group orbitals.
Ok, 3s orbital of sulfur (a1g) interacts with a1g LGO making one bonding and one antibonding orbital.
Three 3p orbitals of sulfur (t1u) interact with three t1u ligand group orbitals.
"t" means triply degenerate (3 orbitals, same energy). This produces three bonding and three antibonding orbitals.
The LGO with Eg symmetry do not match the symmetry of the AO of the sulfur atom, so they form the non-bonding MOs.
So, now we have the following MO: one a1g, three t1u, two eg, three t1u* and one a1g*
Now, count the electrons: 6 valence electrons from S and one 2pz electron from each F = 12 total electrons. They will occupy a1g, t1u and eg molecular orbitals.
You can consider the unused fluorine's 2s, 2p(x) and 2p(y) as lone pairs (non-bonding). 2s orbital is just too far in energy from the sulfur AOs. And 2p(x) and 2p(y) they either do not match the symmetry of sulfur AOs or, for t(1u) set, their overlap with the sulfur AO is inefficient (due to their positions).