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Topic: The composition of pollution in the Thames  (Read 7082 times)

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Offline mahar.sean

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The composition of pollution in the Thames
« on: December 22, 2008, 10:59:36 AM »
I know it varies at different locations and depths, any ideas where I can obtain some data?  What is the most toxic substance, etc.?  I have an email other than the one I gave for this site that allows for big files, if I may have permission to give it??  I think the rules preclude my doing that, so maybe well just chat about it?

Offline JGK

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Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.

Offline mahar.sean

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Re: The composition of pollution in the Thames
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2008, 10:34:32 AM »
     Thank you for the link, the situation is not as dire as I imagined.  I have a yearning desire to work on projects that involve turning pollution to profit.  As an example the local lake (Onondaga) is improving in reclamation.  Thanks to Honeywell the levels of Ammonia and Phosphates has dropped drastically.  Although these two groups of compounds are/were the more valuable chemicals in the short run.  The major problem was related to me to be methyl mercury, I recommended a compound that would most likely 'de-animate' the methyl mercury, and result in approx. 10 salable products.  I gave a portion of this info away, which looking at the results was not beneficial to myself in any way.   As the individuals I emailed to will not even return my calls.  What remains is that I could really make use of the mercury in the sediment.  I think this is most likely the best venue to ask if anyone would be interested in working with me in the event I attain investors.  I would hope those interested, and myself could work from home.
I am aware by the time clock on this site, it's likely this is a U.K. website, I do not know what to do about Partnership Agreements, hopefully that can all be worked out over time.  I apologise for so much chat and not much Chemistry, hopefully that will change soon.

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