December 23, 2024, 01:34:27 PM
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Topic: Plant Design for the Production of 10,000 Tons of Methanol from Natural Gas  (Read 5761 times)

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Offline Gerard

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Hi guys, here i am again....
i would like to ask on the basics of the design of the the reformer the same as designing a plug flow reactor? in this case i will just use what i learned in Octave Levenspiel's book or is there any other tips that you can share?, i am designing a plant producing methanol from natural gas..
i would also like to ask what data i need to properly design a reformer...thanks everyone....
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Offline eugenedakin

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Hi artificial student,

It's great to hear that you are designing a methanol plant and have the book. Could you put something together in electronic form and share it with the online group? This way the experts can help guide you through the steps as you are learning them.

Thanks for your support.


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Offline Gerard

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thanks for the concern eugene but all is handled well, the reformer and even the synthesis loop and the two distillation units..i am reviewinng for our licensure examinations now hope i will pass..
"Charles! Charles! That's it Mr. Charles Darwin get out of this room, I told you once and I told you twice not to tease your fellow Mr. Arrhenius!"

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