March 06, 2025, 09:14:28 PM
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Topic: Are the brain-stimulating components in gotu kola (centella asiatica) alkaloids?  (Read 4473 times)

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Offline Thoreau

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I have read several studies showing that gotu kola herb can improve brain function.  My son, Will (11 years old) has various disabilities and cannot take herbal capsules. I would like to prepare a non-alcoholic gotu kola tincture for him. I do not know which of the components  (alkaloids, triterpenes, etc.) affect brain function and if apple cider vinegar would be adequate for such an extract.  I have only a high school-level understanding of chemistry and do not want to be a burden to this generous public forum. Your expertise may improve Will's life and possibilities.  Thank you very much for any advice you can offer. 

Offline Arkcon

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This board does have a policy, against self-medication.  Furthermore, I get that he'd your child, and all, and I know you'd always want to do your best for him, but ethically, preparing a treatment for someone else, when you're not a physician, is dicey -- you're trusting that every possible side effect he's feeling, he'll be able to communicate to you, and you won't miss the significance of even the most casual observation, and that's hard to do, without training.

Within that framework, if you can find a sympathetic physician, and you can get the raw herb, to make a tea out of, maybe you'll see something of the benefit, and can work with the physician on better sources.

Since this is purely academic, I haven't gone searching for gotu kola, and it's active agents.  Alkaloids, by definition, do tend to dissolve better in acid water, but other organics tend to need a better solvent.  But how much, and what kind, to dissolve a particular component, and who concentrated the active becomes -- that's all different on a case by case basis.  You need a professional.
Hey, I'm not judging.  I just like to shoot straight.  I'm a man of science.

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