Is weight an example for a quantity Which has direction but is not a vector?
A thin metal ring has a diameter 0.20 cm and mass 1 kg, Calculate the moment of inertia about an axis passing through any tangent. Please write all the steps and formulas?
A sonometer wire of length 30cm vibrates in the second overtone so How do you represent it pictorially and What is the difference between two points of the string having phase difference Pi?
If a violin string resonates at fundamental frequency of 196 Hz,where along the string must you place your finger so that the fundamental frequency becomes 440 Hz and the length of string is 40cm?
In the weight problem, I referred a few books, it said current, time etc was examples for non vector quantities having no direction, nothing about weight...
In the second question,I think I should use parallel axis theorem, finding the moment of inertia about centre and using theorem, find it about diameter.Is it correct?
Next question,I think the correct way of representing it would be through the pictorial representation of third harmonic wave, but I'm not sure.I think there is no difference between a phase difference pi, is there?Doesn't it reach in the same place?

I have no idea about the last question.
Sorry, but i am a mare pre degree first year.