Hi..o.k I'll fess up immediately - my chemistry is lousy at best, but I really need some info.
Recently the wildlife in our local parks' creek was wiped out by some kind of chemical spill or dumping. As the chemical came through it had a large head of suds like a bubble bath up to 2 M high in places. After it was gone the fish were all dead & their skin peeling off. It happened 3 times last week. the local council & EPA have been involved, but don't appear to be trying too hard. There is a lot of industrial estates upstream, any one of them may have done this.
O.K so I have a water sample from when the first spill came through. After some thought Im thinking it may be the dumping of used industrial strength degreaser and understand that most companies around here use a citric acid based cleanser for this.
My question (at last) Is there a way I can test my sample for citric acid. I'm at home with no access to a lab.
The entire neighbourhood will appreciate any help you can give as our children & pets were regulars at the park, along with the fish, eels, turtles, ducks, migratory water birds etc., etc. that are all gone.