Here's what I did, I've searched through the net and my local library for any infomation on the extraction of the metals, however I have not ben satisfactorily successful. I have only been able to find patents and amatuer power point presentations for it, both of which are very general, most of the info is irrelevent to the task at hand for me. So far what I have been able to comprehend is that for copper and/or iron, it goes through the stages of crushing, and it divides the ore has high enough content of the wanted metal or not. Then is concentrated, one way this is achieved is through froth floatation and its where a "collector" is added then the explanation provided for this begins to have serious gramatical errors in such a way i cant understand. supposedly the wanted metal is around 30% concentrated by now. and then the ore solution is put through a smelter, somehow, adding intense heat and oxygen and silica will turn the ore solution into a form of copper called blister copper and slag, the slag moves to the top of the mixture which is then just scooped off, and then finally electrosis is used to get rid of the last of the impurities and voila, you have your metal.
now thats what ive done and know. so you know im not just sitting here with my mouth open waiting for someone to spoon feed me the infomation.
As you can see there are no chemical formulas, thats because I have not been able to find those chemical formulas, and this is chemistry, without the chemical formulas, i might as well have just explained how to bake a cake.
If your only willing to just push me in the right direction, does anybody know of some magical place, site or source that i can access where i will be able find more than just the general process of the extraction of the metals in stupid people language???