I've got a problem that I'm supposed to solve by spreadsheet:
The Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution allows for estimation of the fraction of molecules that have velocities in excess of the escape velocity (11.2 km/s).
Calculate the fraction of hydrogen atoms at 1500 K that have velocities in excess of 11.2 km/s.
Given: ( :delta: N)/N = {4pi*(m/(2pi*k*T))^1.5 * exp(-mv^2/(2kT))} :delta: v
And it says I'm supposed to use a spreadsheet to evaluate the right side of this equation.
I've set up a spreadsheet, and made a column with velocity values and another column for the right side of the equation - but I'm not sure how this leads me to finding the fraction, since evaluating the right hand side gives me a different fraction for each velocity. The :delta: v throws me off as well, because we're looking for atoms with velocities from 11.2 km/s to infinity?
Help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!