Copy of the lost replay No. 7
Dear Scorael;
Sorry!, - My old mistake, because I very rarly have to deal with RedOx:
I interchanged the terms Red and Ox once again!
Here the corrected Equations:
A.) Red: O + 2e- ----> O2-
B.) Ox: H ----> H+ + 1e-
C.) RxN: 2H2 + 1O2 ----> 2H2O
D.) Current : moles e- / sec = I / F = I * 1 C/sec / 96’485.3 C/mole
mO2(in) = I / F / nredO / rxnO * MWO2 = I / 96’485.3 / 2 / 2 * 32.0 g/mole = x mole O2 / sec.
mH2(in) = I / F / noxH / rxnH * MWH2 = I / 96’485.3 / 1 / 2 * 2.0 g/mole = y mole H2 / sec.
- nredO = 2 from A.) and rxnO = 1 * 2 from C.)
- noxH = 1 from B.) and rxnH = 2 * 1 from C.)
Be remembered that it is bad practice to use the term: I /(nF), because I/F is clearly indicating the current in mole electrons per second, as pointed out in equation D.)!
The stoichiometric ratio in your case is = mole O2 / mole H2 = x / y = 1/2 (from above, but it follows also from C.)).
But then using 0.5 and Sx and (nF) in the same equation doesn’t make any sense, as in your equations.
Good Luck!