Well I assumed the peak on the far right is the CH3 peak.
But It doesnt look like a multiplet. Looks like a singlet to me, suggesting no neighbors. I've measured it multiple ways and I end up with a measurement of either 60millimeters or 75 millimeters.
I can't work with 75, so I use 60 or 6 hydrogens. Leading to 2 Methyl groups.
The other peaks look like they have an integral of 1. Which really confuses me because the molecular weight won't add up to my assigned MW. HERES the thing that determines whether im right or wrong.
The assigned molecular weight is 84g/mol.
If OH= 17g/mol
2 CH3= 30g/mol
I'm still missing 37g/mol and I dont know how to make this work.
The unassigned peak also has a integral of 1 suggesting its a hydrogen bonding to a carbon that is bonded to 3 other things. This would lead to a MW of 13(12+1).
ARGH This isnt working