I was never taught this in my organic classes and I'm trying to teach it to myself now. My text (wade) totally glosses over this topic and jumps straight to chirality issues like finding planes of symmetry which is quite obvious to me anyway.
I can convert easily when the molecule has just one or two chiral carbons, so i understand the basic concept.
With more carbons my strategy is to flip the molecule on it's side and draw the straight chain in the conformation of a ring. then unfold to the straight chain because this is the only way I can think to maintain every vertical line as a "dash" when converting to wedge/dash. I would like a better system though because straightening out long rings with many stereocenters gives me a headache. Maybe I just need a better system for unfolding rings?
Anyone know of a website with practice problems and/or explanation for this? I would really like some practice problems with answers to test myself.