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Topic: Changing zeolite Si/Al ratio  (Read 6338 times)

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Offline f1r4z

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Changing zeolite Si/Al ratio
« on: July 16, 2009, 08:56:38 PM »

got problem here...

how could I change or modify the Si/Al ratio for certain zeolite?

for instance, we want to convert H-Y zeolite (Si/Al=80) to H-Y zeolite (Si/Al=6).

and of course, we need to add some chemical in order to increase or decrease Si/Al ratio.if I am not wrong.

advantange, we dont need to buy for different Si/Al ratio of zeolite(save budget) =)

waiting for reply~



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Re: Changing zeolite Si/Al ratio
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2009, 07:54:17 AM »
Hello f1r4z,

Each zeolite is going to have its own specific Si/Al ratio. Unfortunately, there is no 'easy' way to change the ratio. The only way that I am readily aware is to redissolve all materials, and simulate a volcanic reaction with ash and alkaline layers over a period of time (100's of years). Plus the costs would be prohibitive.

It may be more cost-effective to purchase from the other suppler  ;)

Best wishes,

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