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Topic: ACS Nanotation NanoTube Video Contest  (Read 4596 times)

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Offline jliuacs

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ACS Nanotation NanoTube Video Contest
« on: February 23, 2009, 10:41:46 AM »
ACS Nanotation is sponsoring a video contest with a prize of $500. The purpose of the contest is to answer the question "what is nano?"

In the past few decades, nanoscience and nanotechnology have emerged from the research labs and into our common world. The concept of "nano" has captured the interest and excitement of researchers and science-enthusiasts alike, but the question remains – what is "nano"? How is "nano" best visualized? How do you explain it to your friends, your co-workers, your younger brother, your students, your funding agency? What has contributed to the recent "nano" revolution? Where is "nano" headed?

The deadline for submissions is March 15. Voting will continue up until March 25.

Check out this latest video submission explaining nanoscience with song, dance and puppets!

Offline jliuacs

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Re: ACS Nanotation NanoTube Video Contest
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2009, 10:08:48 AM »
ACS Nanotation is sponsoring a second video contest on the topic "How will Nano Change the World?"

 In our last video contest "What is Nano?", you showed us that nano is a way of making things smaller, lighter and more efficient, making it possible to build better machines, solar cells, materials and radios. But another question remains: how exactly is "nano" going to impact both us and the world?  We want you to think big about nano and show us how nano will address the challenges we face today."

    * What can nano do for global security?
    * What can nano do for the environment?
    * What can nano do for sustainable energy?
    * What can nano do for fighting disease?
    * What can nano do for the products you use?
    * What can nano do for YOU?

ACS Nanotation is interested to hear what you think, and to find out, we are sponsoring a video contest. Submit your videos to NanoTube and you could win up to $500 USD in cash!

Videos may be submitted until August 9, 2009. The contest is open to all registered users. Registration is free, so sign up and submit a video today! Please contact with any questions.

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