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Topic: Appropriate text for intorductory college level nuclear chemistry  (Read 14751 times)

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I will be teaching an intensive 16 week course in nuclear chemistry/physics to very advance high school students who are taking the course for cash prizes and scholarship funds.  The material will be presented in 16 ~ 2 hour lectures, with weekly examinations.  I am looking for an appropriate textbook or books to supplement the lecture series.  The books should not be at a high school level, but should be directed to the level of a college freshman or sophmore with good general chemistry/physics knowledge, and preferably, there should be a test bank available.  If anyone is aware of suitable texts, I would appreciate hearing from them.  Approximately 50-75 students compete in these contests each year, so I require at least that many books.

Thank you,

Art Friedman, Ph.D.

Offline fedor

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Re: Appropriate text for intorductory college level nuclear chemistry
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2009, 04:47:23 PM »
I will be teaching an intensive 16 week course in nuclear chemistry/physics to very advance high school students who are taking the course for cash prizes and scholarship funds.  The material will be presented in 16 ~ 2 hour lectures, with weekly examinations.  I am looking for an appropriate textbook or books to supplement the lecture series.  The books should not be at a high school level, but should be directed to the level of a college freshman or sophmore with good general chemistry/physics knowledge, and preferably, there should be a test bank available.  If anyone is aware of suitable texts, I would appreciate hearing from them.  Approximately 50-75 students compete in these contests each year, so I require at least that many books.

Thank you,

Art Friedman, Ph.D.

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