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Topic: Help please: gasimetry problems  (Read 5511 times)

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Offline nissantun3r

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Help please: gasimetry problems
« on: July 13, 2009, 11:49:58 PM »
Hello,I originally had 20 problems, I managed to do most of them, but these are the ones I couldn't figure out.  My teacher did not go over this stuff so I do ont know how to solve them properly.  I've also looked in my text book but I couldn't find anything to help me in there either.  Help would be very much appreciated!

1) Average atmospheric pressure in Atlanta is 29.0 inHg. Convert it to mmH2O, (c) mH2O. 

2) Find a volume (in mL) which 0.1053mol of nitrogen(N2) gas will occupy at 29.0oC and 1.00 atm of a pressure. Use the equation: PV = nRT (Ideal Gas Law).

As a result of the reaction between the carbonate salt (CaCO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCl), 31.0 mL of CO2 was collected over water at 24.0oC. The height of water column inside the eudiometer tube was 110 mm (=PH2Ocolumn) higher than the surface of the water in the surrounding beaker. The barometric pressure was 730.2 torr. Answer the following questions.

3) Find a vapor pressure, in mmHg, of water(PH2Ovap) at the temperatuire.

4)  Find a pressure due to the height of the water column(PH2Ocolumn) in the tube.

PH2Ocolumn (in mmHg) = PH2Ocolumn (in mmH2O) / 13.6

5)  Find a partial pressure(PCO2) of carbon dioxide in the eudiometer.

6) Find moles of carbon dioxide (CO2) generated. (Use n=PV/RT)

7) Find the mass of carbon dioxide (CO2) generated.

8) Find the mass of carbon in the gas collected.

9) Mass of the carbonate sample used (i.e., reacted with the HCl) is 0.1283 g, then what's the mass % of carbon in the sample ?

Offline plankk

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Re: Help please: gasimetry problems
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2009, 04:00:52 AM »
1) What does it mean that something exerts pressure expressed by height of liquid in column?

2) You've got every data (in the task are given temperature, pressure and the number of mols). R in the equation is constant, which you should find in table.

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