I've got these results from SEM-EDS analysis:
Elmt Spect. Element Atomic
Type % %
O K ED 9.73 17.00
Na K ED 25.33 30.80
Si K ED 4.81 4.78
Cl K ED 60.13 47.41
Total 100.00 100.00
I've been trying to work out the percentage of NaCl. But if I calculate it off the element% figures I have an excess of Cl
. I was told these were the figures to use. Except if I perform the calculation off the atomic% I get a more realistic figure. I believe the atomic% is element%/Atomic wt. and then normalised to 100%.
Also am I right in thinking elements below Na are less accurate? I realise H - Boron cannot be analysed.
Many thanks,