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Topic: Budget Dielectric Thermal Transfer Fluid  (Read 3461 times)

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Offline alexande

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Budget Dielectric Thermal Transfer Fluid
« on: July 28, 2009, 06:58:22 AM »
Hello, my name is Adam. I'm looking for some educated advice for my next project. I'm going to make a submerged(Dielectric Thermal Transfer Fluid) PC for Over clocking and High-Performance testing. The MOBO,CPU,RAM,GPUs&PSU will all be submerged in aprox. 2-4 Gallons of mineral oil, and I'm going to make a custom freon transfer unit, to cool the fluid.
After some research i found there are special dielectric fluids for electronics, often used for military computers and super-computers. these fluids have very specific properties ; viscosity, freeze-point, boil-point, flash-point, and nifty anti-microbial agents. The only problem is these fluids generally go for 250-500$/Lt.(3M or ExxonMobil)
For many years now mineral oil(paraffin oil) has been used in high-voltage transformers, and can be found with properties very similar to said fluids.

I'm just curious if anyone knows of anything that could be added to the mineral oil as an anti-microbial, that will not change the properties or make it unsafe for electricity and heat
or if you know of a better (cheap) solution

I'm potentially going to be dealing with a sticky mess, so I'd prefer it to be sterile.

other thoughts or ideas would be appreciated

sincerely, Adam

Offline typhoon2028

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Re: Budget Dielectric Thermal Transfer Fluid
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2009, 01:07:57 PM »
Possibly triclosan

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