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Topic: Polar representation (past exam queston).  (Read 2674 times)

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Polar representation (past exam queston).
« on: August 17, 2009, 12:09:44 PM »
Hey there. Here is a question from a 2nd year paper on Physical Chemsitry.

The complex wavefunction f(x) = 1/2 [cos(3x/L) + i(sin (3x/L))]  is an eigenfunction of
the momentum operator. What is the eigenvalue?
Hint: rewrite the function in polar form and then use d/dx(aebx=abeax

I know a polar representation of say z = x + iy would be z=(modulus of z) ei*arg(z)

So would the first part be:

f(x)=1/2(cos (3x/L))ei(sin (3x/L))


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