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Topic: Chlorine Explosion  (Read 6061 times)

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Offline biscuits_mik

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Chlorine Explosion
« on: August 18, 2009, 02:10:07 PM »
Hey all,

Today there was a chemical explosion at the pool I work at.  Thankfully I wasn't in the area, but my boss was.  I went to the scene when I got called, and couldn't get a look at the pump house where it occured.  From talking to the police I heard that it was an oxidizer that caused the explosion and my boss was on his way to the hospital.  From hearing oxidizer i immediately thought it was the chlorine tablets we use. 

Does anyone have any idea how this may occur?  The pumphouse has zero circulation, which I thoguht might add to the problem.  Also does anyone know if this can cause serious health injuries?  No word on my boss, last I heard he could not see.  Anyways thanks for reading and hope to hear from you all, I have no chemical background so hoping you guys / girls could help.

Thanks, Mike

Offline renge ishyo

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Re: Chlorine Explosion
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2009, 03:29:27 PM »
This can occur in several ways, for example it could have occurred by mixing two different chlorine mixtures together from different companies as was the case here:

Or it could be due to the buildup of chlorine gas at some place within the tank which can ignite with air under certain conditions. We would need to know what your boss was doing at the time of the explosion to really try and figure out what exactly went down.

Hope this helped.

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