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Topic: significant figures  (Read 2446 times)

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Offline FAC208aussie

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significant figures
« on: September 10, 2009, 02:01:40 AM »
If I am subtracting 167.8-165.3, the answer is going to be 2.5. but if I was taking sig figs into account, the first two numbers have four, then the answer should as well, but it seems outrageous to say that the answer has an accuracy to the thousandths. What is the right number of sig figs for the answer?

Offline Fridushka

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Re: significant figures
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 05:49:15 AM »
Well in case of addition and subrtaction, it is differnt. What you are saying is if they contain 4 digits then it is supposed to be the same in the answer, but this is the case of multiplication and division. While in case of subration here in this case it dfferent, the answer is 2.5 (having 1 digit after the decimal) becasue the 2 numbers that you are subtracting from each other are also the same..
So, hope it helps a bit
i can give a further example that might help you more,
30.26 - 1 = 29.26=~ 29 because the least precise is the 1 so you round as it..
So hope now it's better..

Good Luck:)

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