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Topic: Burning Candle Chemistry Questions  (Read 3001 times)

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Burning Candle Chemistry Questions
« on: September 13, 2009, 10:09:45 AM »
I am unsure whether or not these questions are answered correctly.  I was wondering if I could get some corrections of confirmation

1) How does the presence of a nearby flame affect the flame from a candle?

The nearby flame is distorting the shape of the flame from the candle.

2) What is combusting when a candle is burning?

The wick (I am not sure if it should be the solid wax, because in order for combustion don't you need a hydrocarbon as a fuel?)

3) Is it possible to light the bottom of a candle? Explain

I am unsure how to answer this question

4) If you have a wire mesh and you raise it up and down over the candle flame, why does the mesh stop the flame from burning?

The strength of the candle flame is not strong enough to pass the mesh and all of its thermal energy is absorbed by the wire mesh.

5) What is the cross sectional shape of the Bunsen burner flame?

Cross sectional shape is a circle.

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