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Topic: I did a search and I find nobody has even mentioned penicillin. Ever !  (Read 4654 times)

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What's the secret? I bet they're saying stuff and you just don't want to say what it is or something.

What was that? The five member ring or something. Oh well, something will pop up someday I suppose.

This will  be the first.

Good link?

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Re:I did a search and I find nobody has even mentioned penicillin. Ever !
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2005, 01:12:45 AM »
Not completely true. We do have the chemical structure of Penicillin G in our Chemical Structures page. ;)
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Re:I did a search and I find nobody has even mentioned penicillin. Ever !
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2005, 03:15:48 AM »
The Penicillin structure was not so tough to find, thank you. What I'm wondering about is the composition of components in the differing kinds of Penicillin - Vet. vs. Human forms. You know , if you buy a bottle for injection it looks like a bottle of milk, the various things in it don't look the same. And there's some liquid carrier.

I read somewhere once that the riboflavin chemical was integral to it's proper function. Sort of a Chelation type of thing.

I was no vet major so it's not really discussed much in detail. I'm thinking there was a fowlup in the first years use of it and the wrong vitamin B groups {Riboflavin, etc.} were put in it. Cattle got one form of componentry and people needed another.It had something to dowith the rush to Patent rights between the various International communities and Fleming plus, . . .  was it Bayer? There were two inventors.

Maybe I'm out of luck online. I don't know the Biological terminology to get the right information.

I may have confused it with a sulfa too, which actually became used first? They just talk about the first ones to be made industrially, I think they were both used before that though.

Thanks though. Going to get some rest.


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