Ascrobic Acid + NaOH is a basic photographic developer and reduces silver halides (silver bromide etc) to metallic silver.'
I made a particularly caustic solution of it, and put some of my many off cuts of film in there, which first develops the film (silver turns black) and quickly removes it from the film base, leaving clear plastic behind, and an opaque very dark grey solution.
Only a very minute amount of the solution doesnt filter through filter paper.
I think I should be able to evaporate all liquid, then dissolve the ascorbic acid in alcohol (methylated spirits), filer that off, then put the rest in a water solution, which should only leave undissolved silver (in whatever form) since it shouldnt be able to dissolve without the ascorbic acid... sound about right?
Anyway, what current form is the silver in?
I do not think its silver oxide, as adding ammonia to a small test sample doesnt turn clear, though I could be wrong.
I dont think I'll be able to get nitric acid any time soon, maybe a few weeks, so this is my best bet at being able to recycle silver by dissolving it and trying to end up with a silver halide product I can mix with gelatin to make a photosensitive emulsion.