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Topic: Alkylation of Alkynes  (Read 7069 times)

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Offline coolguy99

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Alkylation of Alkynes
« on: November 04, 2009, 07:33:08 PM »
I am absolutely not understanding this stuff, I guess, because I keep getting these types of questions wrong:

For the first one, I thought the hydrogen on the far left would leave due to the NH2, which would produce a negative charge on the terminal alkyne carbon, which would then bond to the carbon with the Br attached, pushing the bromine off. But it wasn't right

same deal with the second one. what am I doing wrong here? :/

Offline azmanam

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Re: Alkylation of Alkynes
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2009, 08:22:47 PM »
your understanding is spot on.  this is one of the touchy subjects with owl.  the instructions ask you to draw the major organic product.  You have included the inorganic product.  Remove Na+ and Br- and you will get credit for the right answer.  The bit about more than one product is only when you get more than one organic product.

Imho, it is important and useful to know a) that there are also inorganic products, and b) what those inorganic products are, but owl only wants you to indicate the organic products.

If you want more info on the reaction, though, start here:
Knowing why you got a question wrong is better than knowing that you got a question right.

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