I like that solution. Although it doesn't make me want to visit Mirrorland half as much as Wonderland.
Is there a real solution to this question or is it all for fun?
Assuming that we are in a world made up of protons and electrons rather than antiprotons and positrons, we could assume that the air is made up of exactly the opposite formula that it is in our world. Instead of a mostly nitrogen and to a lesser degree oxygen and argon makeup of air, we would have a mostly argon and a lesser degree of oxygen and nitrogen. Enough that she would suffocate or poison herself from argon in just a minute or so.
That's assuming there wasn't some aweful puddle of some extremely volotile substance that she landed in to begin with instead of the normal ground (instead of "There goes Bill"; "There goes Alice").
So any way you look at it...Alice is screwed.