Ah, thank ye! Those places do have the pure chemical for a great deal cheaper. Is it generally easy to recieve such a package at a private residence, or are there hazardous shipping/chemical-in-the-mail laws to complicate things? thanks again
I live in the Netherlands (Europe) and I have ordered chems from both suppliers without ANY problems. No excessive shipping costs, no hazmat fees etc. Of course, it depends on where you live. I read stories about people, living in some states of the USA, where things are more difficult, but I have good confidence that you can order most of the chemicals from the supplier's list without problem.
If you order liquids, or if you order the more dangerous chems (like mercury salts, paraformaldehyde, etc.), then things become different. But just plain salts, photo developers (like hydroquinone, metol, catechol, etc) and even some solid oxidizers are not a problem.
The two suppliers I mentioned ship to private persons (I also have no connection with a chem-related company at all), who are just hobbyists.